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I. Return 42:27-38 II. Requirements 43:1-6 III. Resignation 43:7-14
I. Setting and People v. 12-14 II. Statement to the Priest v. 19-21 III. Smitten but Peaceful v. 22-24  
I. Arrival in Egypt v. 1-8 II. Accusation of Espionage v. 9-17 III. Ascertaining their Ethics v. 18-26
I. Coming to the Place v. 1-3 II. Controlling the Proceedings v. 4-7 III. Caring for the People v. 8-11
I. Easter Past II. Easter Present III. Easter Future
I. Come to Show II. Come and See III. Go and Share
I. The Pain of the Cross v. 14-18 II. The Pique of the Crowd v. 7-13 III. The Passion of Christ v. 1-6
I. Rejoicing in Christ v. 37-38 II. Rebuking the Crowd v. 39 III. Rocks would Cry v. 40
I. The Miraculous Seed II. The Messianic Seed III. The Matured Seed
I. The Attitude II. The Attributes III. The Aspects
I. The Attitude II. The Attributes III. The Aspects  
I. The Advice v. 33-37 II. The Appointment v. 38-49 III. The Alleviation v. 50-57
I. The Generations of the Saints v. 20-21 II. The Glory of the Savior v. 22-24 III. The Gospel of the Son v. 25-26
I. Secured by the Father v. 9-12 II. Strengthened by the Father v. 13-16 III. Sanctified by the Father v. 17-19  
I. Secured by the Father v. 9-12 II. Strengthened by the Father v. 13-16 III. Sanctified by the Father v. 17-19
I. The Mysterious Dream v. 1-8 II. The Man Delivered v. 9-24 III. The Meaning Declared v. 25-32
I. The Gift of Deliverance v. 1-3 II. The Glory Decreed v. 4-5 III. The Given Disciples v. 6-8
I. The Gift of Deliverance v. 1-3 II. The Glory Decreed v. 4-5 III. The Given Disciples v. 6-8
I. A New Frankness v. 25-28 II. A New Faith v. 29-30 III. A New Fortitude v. 31-33
I. The Faithful Man v. 1-8 II. The Favorable Meaning v. 9-15 III. The Frightful Message v. 16-23
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