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I. The Mysterious Dream v. 1-8 II. The Man Delivered v. 9-24 III. The Meaning Declared v. 25-32
I. The Gift of Deliverance v. 1-3 II. The Glory Decreed v. 4-5 III. The Given Disciples v. 6-8
I. The Gift of Deliverance v. 1-3 II. The Glory Decreed v. 4-5 III. The Given Disciples v. 6-8
I. A New Frankness v. 25-28 II. A New Faith v. 29-30 III. A New Fortitude v. 31-33
I. The Faithful Man v. 1-8 II. The Favorable Meaning v. 9-15 III. The Frightful Message v. 16-23

I. The Parting of Christ v. 16-19 II. The Promise of Christ v. 20-22 III. The Provision of Christ v. 23-24
I. Tested in Faithfulness v. 1-6 II. Tested in Flesh v. 7-15 III. Tested in Falsehood v. 16-23
I. The Comfort of the Spirit v. 7 II. The Conviction of the Spirit v. 8-11 III. The Counsel of the Spirit v. 12-15
I. The Comfort of the Spirit v. 7 II. The Conviction of the Spirit v. 8-11 III. The Counsel of the Spirit v. 12-15  
I. Conflict v. 1-11 II. Condemnation v. 12-19 III. Comfort v. 20-30
I. The Depravity of Religion v. 1-2 II. The Difference of Relationship v. 3-4 III. The Departure of the Redeemer v. 5-6
I. The Despised Dreams v. 1-11 II. The Definite Danger v. 12-24 III. The Debatable Deliverance v. 25-36
I. The Conflict with the World v. 18-21 II. The Condemnation of the World v. 22-25 III. The Comfort in the World v. 26-27
I. The Personal Line v. 1-19 II. The Preceding Line v. 20-30 III. The Partitioned Line v. 31-43
I. The Comfort of Love v. 9-11 II. The Commandment of Love v. 12-14 III. The Calling of Love v. 15-17
I. A New Covenant II. A New Creature III. A New Creation
I. Production from the Branches v. 1-3 II. Program for the Branches v. 4-6 III. Provision to the Branches v. 7-8
I. Past Observances v. 12 II. Pressing Onward v. 13-14 III. Perfect Obedience v. 15-16